This is me in the new outside kennel my parents got for me... since I bark constantly when left alone in the cabin and can't seem to keep from jumping up and down on every single person that comes near me....
This is me trying to bite my way out of my new kennel.... only took me a few minutes.... notice my cute white front fangs stuck in the netting :-)
"The life you have led doesn't need to be the only life you'll have"
"What's the secret to success?" I asked. "Two words," he said. "Right Decisions." "How do you make right decisions?" "One word," he said. "Experience." "And how do you get experience?" I asked. "Two words," he answered. "Wrong decisions."
your loved ones that they are loved,
your friends that they are the best,
your family that they're your lifeline,
yourself that you don't stop and say
these things enough...
and lot of times.....
don't say anything at all.
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