got this one from jim and johanna... she wrote the "spirit-filled" girl on the front reminded her of me... I kinda have to agree!
got this one from my friend carol who i worked with at moorhead high... and i swear this is just how my grandma christianson looked back in 1952...seriously....i know i inherited her legs...ugh
got this one from my long-time friend jan... and i really think the lady in the green dress on the left has some "sandi" in her....
and finally I got this one from my old boss "DOC" in the cities... and of all them, i think this one most accurately reflects who i think i am... or who i'd like to picture myself as being... a lively, old retired lady just sipping her coffee in the local coffee shop down at the lake, wearing her sun hat, colorful clothing and flip flops....actually I have a pair of sparkly, sequined lime green flips flops just like these!
1 comment:
شركة ركن سيف لتسليك المجارى تقدم افضل الخدمات فى التسليك لانها تمتلك عمالة على اعلى مستوى فى تسليك مجارى الصرف الصحى وتعتمد كثيراً على عمالة مدربة فى حل المشاكل من هذا القبيل نحن شركة تسليك مجارى بالاحساء
الوحيدة التى تمشى بنظام الوقت نقوم بحل المشكلة التى تواجهها فى اقل من 10 دقائق وهذا يعد رقم قياسى لدا شركتنا
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